At home… but with Arzuaga!

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There’s no doubt that these days of lockdown are difficult for everyone. While many are still out working and fighting the virus on the front lines, most of us have been asked to stay home. The truth is that although this may at first seem like a simple mission, sometimes it’s a bit of an uphill struggle, so we have to do what we can to enjoy special moments, even at home, accompanying them with what we like most.

That’s why we get especially excited when we see on our social media (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter) that you’re choosing Arzuaga for those special moments you’re having during the lockdown. And although most of the photos you’re sharing show us that you’re enjoying our wines, we’ve also received some where you’re making a recipe using our oils!

Through these posts, many of you are telling us that you miss visiting our winery in Quintanilla de Onésimo or having a glass of wine with us, whether in our restaurants or at the counter in the winery. There are also lots of you all over the world who are brightening things up by opening a bottle of your favourite Arzuaga wine, recording it and sharing it on our social media.

To give just a few examples, we’ve seen Los Disfrutones pair their Peruvian chicken stew with Arzuaga Crianza, the same wine chosen by María MamaLeona to accompany some lamb chops. And we’ve also seen Nikolaus uncorking an Arzuaga Reserva Especial, which Attila Hikadi also chose to pair with his dish of beef meat with chimichurri, sweetcorn and wild asparagus. La Planta is definitely another of our most popular wines for doing a toast these days, as we’ve seen in the photos from Eva Espinosa, The Queen Mencía and Pilar Mcordo. And what do you think of the offering from @hikiati that we used to illustrate this post? Good meat and our Reserva Especial… A winning combination!

We love to find out how we’re keeping you company during this difficult time; thank you for sharing your photos! And if you’d like to get some of our wines for yourself, remember you can find Arzuaga at the main superstores and distributors.

Growing by the day!

In this post, we also wanted to share some figures with you that make us very happy: there are more and more of you joining us in the virtual community we’ve created on our social media! In just six months we’ve gained over 200 followers on Twitter, 500 likes on Facebook and 5,000 new followers on our Instagram profile… A big thank you to everyone!

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